Thursday, 26 March 2015


Throughout the process of making the music video we have came across many problems, mainly involving casting. We had to recast the lead singer various times and think of alternatives in which we could work around the problem. Our first singer was unable to attend any of the shooting so we had to change the cast, we was going to change the position of max and put him as lead singer as he has the look, keep Aiden on drums and find someone who had the look to replace max on guitar. after thinking about it carefully, we decided it would be easier and would look better to just get someone brand new in to be the lead singer. this is why we chose terry. We chose him because he has the look and max looks better on guitar because he can actually play in comparison to someone who cant play. Then on the day of filming we had to change the drummer because we realized that Aiden didn't really fit the part because, like max, the drums would look better with someone who could actually play, this is why we got Shaun to take the role, because he had the look and looked convincing playing the drums.

other problems we had was timing, we found it hard to get everyone together at the same time due to everyone's schedules, but when we eventually got everyone together and filmed it looked really good first time. i think this helped us because we was running out of time and we had to be able to shoot the band performances quick and effectively leaving us enough time to cut and edit the footage.

Another problem was the editing and where we thought things should go because we stopped doing story boards half way through because we thought it would look better free style. i think it did look better free style, and even though we had good ideas down on paper, once we started getting out and filming, we came up with better ideas and ways we could improve the individual shots.

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